Meeting a local surf legend

Would you like to simply opt out of the regular world and live life on your own terms, in your very own tropical paradise? I think many of us dream of this, yet few of us have the good fortune, tenacity, or drive, to actually make it a reality. Of course, out here in the middle of the Pacific Kiribati seems to have more than its fair share of people of a more adventurous disposition looking to live life in a different way to most of us. Many of those that have washed up on these shores do so thinking it will just be for a short time but some end up staying for much longer, sometimes forever. It seems to be the way of far off places to attract all sorts of characters, restless souls looking for adventure, people who often don’t seem to fit into regular society or want to live a more interesting life outside the mainstream or normal conventions. In that regards Kiribati is no different to other outlying spots in the Pacific, or elsewhere in the world for that matter, with more than its...