Back to Kiribati

This fortnightly blog has turned out to be anything but. My apologies for that. After mum died I really didn’t feel like blogging, had too many other things on my mind and then my computer died, leaving me computerless in Kiribati for about a month before I went back to New Zealand for a break. I returned to New Zealand for an extended (six week) holiday at the beginning of June. I really needed to go back, check on my family and more importantly on my father and ensure that everything was going okay with him. VSA were really, really good about it, as was MTC the organisation that I’m working for. I really enjoyed being home, catching up with Julie, the kids, dad, and my friends. My brother popped over for a few days from Australia and spent some time with dad which he enjoyed. I also managed to get a few games of footy in for my football team and also make the most of the New Zealand winter, a fire every night, frosts in the morning, lovely. Oh winter how I...