
If you’ve been out here in Kiribati a while and spend some time with the local expats/i-Matung, one peculiarities you will soon notice is that one of the main topics of conversation is…food! That’s right, one of the main things we talk about is food, or more importantly what is available, where and for how much. Almost all the food here is imported. There is next to no land to grow anything on and even if there were the soils are coral sand, great for coconut palms but bugger all use for much else. The Taiwanese government has a small agricultural ttraining centre where they do grow/produce amazing variety of things and are teaching the locals how to grow more varieties of vegetables but this process has been extremely labour intensive- even getting the sand to a reasonable quality of soil using seaweed and other compostable materials was a major mission. And even though they are producing more varieties of vegetables- which are donated to local schools/charities- there are...